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March Newsletter

What abundance we have here in Ndungu Kebbeh. There have been three people who have left in the past 5 years and many others before that. Michele spent much time collecting duplicates and sometimes triplicates of items for a lottery. We put all our employee and language helper names in a hat and as we pulled their names, they got to select one item to take home with them. This took many hours, but they were very happy to be given our surplus. There is much more still to be collected around the property so consider coming to help us sort through many items to be a testimony of generosity.

We traveled to the city on an emergency trip as our short-term guesthouse manager missionaries, the Johnsons, had to go back to California to support their family. We once again received a crash course but this time it was in guesthouse management. This was not our plan as we would have liked to transition slowly from village life to city life but as the saying goes, if you want to make God laugh make your own plans. This time became precious to us as we said our farewells to a family with whom we had become very close in the past seven months. Heidi and Michele did a farewell shopping trip while Patrick and Chris talked shop and the kids had a big bowl of goat benechin.

We also had our yearly meeting with two consultants from ABWE headquarters along with our regional director. After a week of prayer and discussion, we were happy to have set clear goals for God's glory here in The Gambia. Thank you to all who have prayed for this meeting. One of the results is that we are now the guesthouse managers as of today and physically moving at the beginning of May.

The extra time in the city also brought Michele closer in her relationship with her Tomaa (who Michele was named after). Awa is an excellent cook and over the 2 weeks we were in the city she made many meals. This dish is called Ebbë and was delicious. She also invited Michele to a Ngenté but said since she was Michele’s tomaa that she needed to have the same outfit as her family. Later in the week she also took Michele to a wedding. This month there were many weddings and Ngentés because Ramadan (Muslim month-long fasting) is in April this year and it’s not culturally acceptable to celebrate. Thank you for your continued prayers as we transition yet again.


Praise and Prayer Requests

~ Pray for God’s direction for The Gambia.

~Continue to pray for our language studies

~ Pray as we transition to the city from the village

~Pray for the new believer who is building up the courage to tell others about Christ.


In Christ,

The Reeds

Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, Luke


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