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Journey to ABWE

Missionary Bob Trout from ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) came to our church, Grace Baptist Church of Hurlock in March 2017. His story confirmed the calling Patrick was feeling for the past month and I had felt most of my adult life. We wondered, could God really use a businessman and a homemaker to serve as missionaries?

The following Monday Patrick contacted our Pastor, David Talley, to share the burden God had put on his heart. When Patrick shared the news, David described how the Holy Spirit compelled him to pray that we would become missionaries while Bob Trout was preaching the day before in our church. It was another confirmation and a great blessing that God included our pastor in an amazing way!

I heard the voice of the Lord,

saying: “Whom shall I send, And

who will go for Us?” Then I said,

“Here am I! Send me.”

Isaiah 6:8


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