November Newsletter
Merry Christmas! It might seem a little early for that but since our next newsletter will not come out until after Christmas, we thought it appropriate. We are looking forward to the new year and how God will use us in new and exciting ways! This past month, we saw God do some amazing things by changing the hearts of people through some of the efforts of our ministry.
Early in the month, we had the opportunity to see some friends at Hope Baptist Church in Laurel, MD. Kevin Huber, the pastor at Hope, invited Patrick to preach for their Sunday morning service because he was going to be out of town. Hope is one of our partnering churches and we always enjoy visiting. We enjoyed their fellowship. In addition to spending time with friends, we got to watch God work as three people professed faith in Jesus Christ during the invitation! It is always a privilege to be a part of God’s lifesaving work!

Patrick preaching at the Christian Shelter's
monthly service
We also saw God working at the monthly service our sending church puts on at the local shelter. Each month our church brings out food and offers a service for the residents of the shelter in Salisbury. This month was Thanksgiving! Patrick’s part-time role at our church includes this ministry. During the invitation two of the residents professed faith in Christ! It is always amazing to see how God works through the sharing of His Word!
Finally, we want to make sure everyone is aware of our year-end campaign that is now underway. We do not usually bring up finances in detail through these newsletters, but this month may be the exception. To reach The Gambia, money is a critical ingredient to our ministry. Monthly partners are still needed, but we also need one-time gifts for outfit and passage. If you would like to learn more about how you can donate to this campaign, please visit our website at and click on the Outfit/Passage Campaign tab. In addition to the campaign, please pray that a few more churches will add us into their budgets for the new year. Also pray that our schedule next year will fill up with church presentations to bring about new ministry partners that will get us to The Gambia!
Individuals may also partner with our ministry. Please consider becoming a monthly partner with our ministry to the Wolof people in The Gambia. Joining our team is easy. Check out our website above and click the Give tab for more information.
Prayer Requests
Pray that an abundance of churches invite us out next year to present our ministry.
Pray for new ministry partners and reaching our campaign goal for the end of the year.
Pray for our Christmas Bible study started this month.
Thank you all for your prayers!
In Christ,
The Reeds
Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, Luke