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April Newsletter

What a whirlwind April has been. It has not been the direction we thought but we know it is all part of God's plan for His glory. As we started packing our home for departure, we had a meeting with our ABWE team leader who was none too thrilled with the new Covid procedures going on in The Gambia. He decided to delay our family's arrival for upwards of two months. What are we going to do now? Where are we going to live? A family of five is not easy to place. Where do you want us to go, Lord?

Through much prayer, God reminded us of Joanne, a Gambian missionary who inherited her father's house in Tennessee but needs many repairs. Then God opened the door to multiple other opportunities as we said to Him, we will go wherever you need us to serve.

Getting an RV seemed like the best option to drive out west but how were we to get the money? The equity in our home, sure, but we wouldn’t have access to it until the sale. Are we to get a loan for a week? As we were looking at RVs near Patrick's sister's home, we told her of our changing plans. We were not getting on that flight we had been so hoping for but driving out west. She was glad when she realized she could help and offered to loan us the money we needed. We were stunned and overjoyed by God's provision, but God wasn't finished. Before this news, we had planned to see an RV a bit out of our comfortable price range, but God uses all people. On our way home after looking at the RV, the owner called about a half-hour later saying "People like you are what makes the world go around. I truly enjoyed your family and want to give you $10,000 off the price." We were shocked but couldn't pass up the opportunity. By the end of the following week, we were packing for 3 places, Africa, America, and an RV.

Our next set of questions. What are we doing with our vehicles? Where are we going to put the supplies? We surely can’t send a shipping container when we don't have an exact departure date. God had that all worked out too. A family in our local church had a box truck for us to borrow and a place to store all our items while we wait on God's perfect timing. Packing for 3 places isn't like normal packing. Anything that goes to The Gambia will not see American soil again so all family heirlooms and personal keepsakes and winter clothes etc. all need to be kept separate. Many of the things we need for RV life need to be packed for Africa, but we need them now to do what God is calling us to do today. We are so grateful to so many from our local church family who were willing to come pack, sell things at yard sales, and move furniture as we sold out for Jesus. As for the vehicle situation we traded in both cars for one we could tailor and fit our needs to get around town. We got it all hitched up and hit the road the weekend after settlement on our home in Maryland. More adventures to come as we let Jesus take the wheel. So, we have set out on the road to help The Gambia via Tennessee.


Prayer Requests

~Traveling mercies.

~Our working hands to help with the restoration of Joanne’s missionary housing due to termite damage.

~ For more volunteers to complete Joanne’s home.

~For God to call more people to serve The Gambia.

~Continue to Pray for Michele’s uncle who is now undergoing clinical trial cancer treatments.


In Christ,

The Reeds

Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, Luke


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