January Newsletter 2025
Planning and preparation play a big role in missionary life. A team from LifePoint Church in California planned their visit to us for many months and kindly asked what they could bring from the United States. We placed online orders shipped directly to them; even our family sent in some presents. Through the generosity of their congregation, they brought us an abundance of gifts, including modern clothes for our children, American candy, high-quality shoes, and Bibles for the Sunday school Michele leads. Also, during their stay, they assisted Joan Schmitz and Michele in hosting a ladies-in-ministry tea in appreciation of the wives of pastors, deacons, and elders of Omega Church. During their stay, they toured ABWE’s work in the Gambia and witnessed many other ministries God is growing for His glory. Their hearts were touched in many ways regarding how God is moving, and they continue to pray about how God wants them to be part of what He is doing here.

This month we organized another 24-hour youth meeting. The youth’s chosen topic seemed atypical for young adults, but they were eager to learn what the Bible says about end-time events. As we presented the material, we discovered many of these young adults, despite growing up in church, lacked assurance of their salvation. It was a wonderful experience to spend time with them in scripture, and it helped them understand the security they have through Christ.
Planning and preparation also brought unexpected blessings as we continued leading our small group. One attendee gifted us a one-hundred pound bag of flour in appreciation for how we helped him understand the Bible and the example of faith lived out. With this generosity, Michele and the children divided the flour and shared it with the employees, as well as the Bible verse John 6:35, as a reminder of the greatest provision of all.

Being in prayer of what God has next for us is a big part of the work we do here. We are finalizing preparations for a Christian conference. This event is unprecedented, like nothing the Gambia has ever seen before. We are so privileged that God helped us to connect the Pastor’s Alliance of the Gambia with a Dream Church conference. Over six-hundred church leaders and missionaries have agreed to attend and the number is still rising. They will come together to pray, learn, and grow in God’s design and plan. The Pastor’s Alliance invited Patrick to a prayer meeting, but unfortunately, he had a prior commitment. They asked if he would please send his wife instead. Michele agreed and was incredibly blessed by their dedication, prayer, and thanksgiving to the Lord for the upcoming conference. As we approach the final days of planning, we face multiple discouragements and attempts to cancel or change the conference. Yet, God continues to remind us that He is in control, and we should remain focused on His purpose. May we continue always to recognize God‘s leading.
Prayers & Praises
~Pray for Patrick’s father Bruce’s cancer treatments.  Â
~Pray for the Dream Church Conference being held on February 1st and what could be seen as an obstacle instead be seen as an opportunity for God to be glorified.
~Praise God! Alyssa has been accepted to Liberty University and is set to start in the fall of 2025.
In Christ,
The Reeds
Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, and Luke