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November Newsletter 2024

Part of our ministry involves supporting other organizations by hosting them at our guesthouse. This allows them to save on costs and have space to prepare for their projects. This month we hosted a team of Norwegians who built a Christian school about 25 minutes from our property. The schoolyard had no playground, so this mission trip was to highlight the importance of children playing. While they came well-prepared with resources, they were incredibly thankful for Patrick’s shed full of extra tools. Within 4 days the team built a fun playground for the new school!

Pouring your heart into ministry often brings a mix of excitement and nervousness, especially as plans come together. Recently, Omega Church's head pastor asked the Youth (ages 14-25) to take charge of an entire Sunday service. From the music to the prayer, preaching, offering, and announcements, it was all in their hands. While we only helped equip them, they made many changes to shape the service into what a youth would desire in corporate worship. They even asked Michele to lead the congregation in a hilarious game!

Just as Michele’s nerves were getting the best of her, a text message arrived from a prayer partner in America. They hadn’t spoken in two months, but the message simply said, “Good morning! I hope you are having a good Sunday.” The sender had no idea what was happening in the Youth-led service. Still, the Holy Spirit knew Michele needed that encouragement and prayer. What a mighty God we serve—one who leads us to pray for each other when it’s needed most.

At the end of the month, the ECG (Evangelical Church of The Gambia) held a women’s fellowship conference. Michele had the joy of playing “taxi driver”, bringing the women of Omega Church to join others from across The Gambia for a day of prayer and worship.

In other ministry news, our small group is thriving! Our family is working with the Youth on an upcoming series about dating and relationships and planning another 24-hour youth meeting. Meanwhile, our generator is still in the shipping queue at the Banjul port. Also, we were thrilled to enjoy actual turkey for Thanksgiving this year! Thank you to all those who support us both in finance and prayer.


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