June Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Last month our newsletter was two pages long because we just couldn’t fit everything we wanted to tell you into one page. “They” say that one page is all most people will be willing to read. So, this month, we will keep it short!
Let us start with an update on our financial support. Our monthly support is now at 85%, and our outfit and passage support is at 70%. To translate that into dollars, it equates to $5,863.21 per month and $47,199.92 of outfit and passage that God has provided for our ministry to date. To reach 100% of each budget, we require an additional $1,040.37 in monthly commitments and $20,200.08 in one-time gifts. Frequently people ask what the percentages mean in real dollars so they can pray for us more specifically.
ABWE requires that our ministry be fully supported at 100% before they give us financial clearance to leave for The Gambia. In addition to financial clearance, they also require us to obtain medical clearance. This past month we met virtually with ABWE’s medical doctor to finalize our medical clearance for everyone in the family. There are some additional vaccinations that each of us need to receive prior to leaving. Ironically, these vaccinations are not being given in any of the places we have contacted so far due to Covid-19. How strange that one virus would prevent people from being vaccinated from other viruses. Please pray that we would be able to locate a clinic or doctor’s office that is willing to give these vaccinations because some of them require a period of time before the second series of shots is given. We will not be able to obtain medical clearance until these vaccinations are completed.
Last month we also visited a local church right down the street from our house. The pastor is our neighbor and lives almost across the street from our house. We were excited to hear that both the church and the pastor’s family decided to support our ministry financially. We continue to look for new opportunities each month to build our prayer and financial ministry team. If you are reading this newsletter and are not yet a financial partner with our ministry, please consider joining with us to reach those who need to hear about Christ. We are very close to reaching all of our final goals prior to departure for the field and only need a few more faithful servants to partner with us. Lastly, we found out this month that a few people are interested in becoming missionaries and joining our team in the Gambia. Our team has a lot of opportunities for people to join our ministry. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about being part of the ministry in The Gambia, please reach out to us. From healthcare, to business, to education, to maintenance work; there is a wide range of ministry possibilities in The Gambia.
Prayer Requests
Pray that God will raise up the remaining 15% of support so we may depart for The Gambia this year.
Pray for Michele’s Uncle, he is having tests to determine if a mass found in his lungs is cancer.
Pray about who you can share our ministry with and encourage to become financial partners.
Pray for Alison as she tries to find a way to get back to the U.S. for furlough.
Thank you for your prayers.
In Christ,
The Reeds
Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, Luke