June Newsletter
We are open for business! We have officially launched our website. We are ready for bookings, so start preparing your mission trip to visit us, share the gospel and help us in our church planting efforts. https://www.guesthouse.abwemission.org/
Patrick has spent countless hours updating, editing, researching, and taking photographs of our property here in Kerr Seriegn, The Gambia. We pray this is yet another open door for the gospel to be shared here.
We are praising the Lord for Facebook connections this month. Through a Facebook group, Michele is part of, God used a family to purchase a voltage regulator for one of our four apartments. The electric grid here is not what you would call reliable. The power goes off multiple times a day, and regularly we only receive 170 volts instead of the needed 220. Voltage regulators do just what they sound like and regulate the voltage, which keeps our computers, air conditioners, freezers, and refrigerators happy and helps them last longer. Also, through FB, Michele was overjoyed to see the baptism of our neighbor back in Maryland. About three years ago, Michele led her through the "Story of Hope" and "The Way to Joy," which started her faith journey.

We also made a connection with a Christian home for abandoned children (aka. orphanage). We were delighted to give Pastor Abu many of our unneeded linens, some feminine hygiene products, and even some formula to help this ministry. We pray to be a blessing to this ministry again in the near future.

Alison, our last remaining medical missionary in Ndungu Kebbeh, requested the help of Michele, Alyssa, and Danielle to do pharmacy inventory because many hands make light work. They also brought along our long-time employee who had never been to the North Bank but had heard many stories over the years. Patrick drove them over the ferry as the timing coincided with some mission director work, but he only stayed for the morning. Michele and the girls stayed for three days and were happy to be helping hands, encouraging Alison, and visiting many of the friends they had made there. The real adventure was walking over the ferry with the multitudes and then finding a taxi from Banjul to the guesthouse. Please continue to pray for God's hand over the medical clinic due to close this coming December.
Praise and Prayer Requests
~ Pray for God to send more laborers to The Gambia.
~Pray for coming partnerships with local Christians.
~Pray for Alison & the weight she carries at the clinic.
~Praise God for His leading and direction
~Pray for the future of the medical clinic
In Christ,
The Reeds
Patrick, Michele, Alyssa, Danielle, Luke